Canon 6D


 Body Type
Body type Mid-size SLR
Max resolution 5472 x 3648
Other resolutions 3648 x 2432, 2736 x 1824, 1920 x 1280, 720 x 480
Image ratio w:h 3:2
Effective pixels 20 megapixels
Sensor photo detectors 21 megapixels
Sensor size Full frame (36 x 24 mm)
Sensor type CMOS
Processor Digic 5+
ISO Auto, 100 – 25600 in 1/3 stops, plus 50, 51200, 102400 as option
White balance presets 6
Custom white balance Yes
Image stabilization No
Uncompressed format RAW
JPEG quality levels Fine, Normal
 Optics & Focus
Autofocus Contrast Detect (sensor), Phase Detect, Multi-area, Selective single-point, Single, Continuous, Face Detection, Live View
Digital zoom
Manual focus Yes
Number of focus points 11
Lens mount Canon EF
Focal length multiplier
 Screen / viewfinder
Articulated LCD Fixed
Screen size 3?
Screen dots 1,040,000
Touch screen No
Screen type Clear View II TFT LCD
Live view Yes
Viewfinder type Optical (pentaprism)
Viewfinder coverage 97%
Viewfinder magnification 0.71×


 Photography features
Minimum shutter speed 30 sec
Maximum shutter speed 1/4000 sec
Aperture priority Yes
Shutter priority Yes
Manual exposure mode Yes
Subject / scene modes Yes
Built-in flash No
Flash range
External flash Yes (Hot shoe)
Flash modes
Continuous drive 4.5 fps
Self-timer Yes (2 or 10 sec)
Metering modes Multi, Center-weighted, Spot, Partial
Exposure compensation ±5 (at 1/3 EV, 1/2 EV steps)
AE Bracketing ±3 (2, 3, 5, 7 frames at 1/3 EV, 1/2 EV steps)
WB Bracketing Yes (3 frames in either blue/amber or magenta/green axis)
 Videography features
Resolutions 1920 x 1080 (29.97, 25, 23.976 fps), 1280 x 720 (59.94, 50 fps), 640 x 480 (25, 30 fps)
Format H.264
Videography notes 1080 and 720 intra or inter frame, 480 inter frame
Microphone Stereo
Speaker Mono
Storage types SD/SDHC/SDXC
USB USB 2.0 (480 Mbit/sec)
HDMI Yes (HDMI Mini)
Wireless Built-In
Remote control Yes (Remote control with N3 type contact, Wireless Controller LC-5, Remote Controller RC-6)
Environmentally sealed Yes (Splash and dust resistant)
Battery Battery Pack
Battery description Lithium-Ion LP-E6 rechargeable battery & charger
Weight (inc. batteries) 770 g (1.70 lb / 27.16 oz)
Dimensions 145 x 111 x 71 mm (5.71 x 4.37 x 2.8?)
 Other features
Orientation sensor Yes
Timelapse recording Yes (by cable and PC)
GPS BuiltIn
GPS notes Image tagging and tracking modes
EGP299 Per Day

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